
50 Years and Going Strong!

Over 50 Years ago – hot melt adhesives were introduced to the packaging industry.

Hot Melts revolutionized the packaging industry by allowing for the rapid closure and sealing of containers. Packaging companies using case erectors and sealers, as well as cartoning machinery, quickly embraced hot melt adhesives because of the obvious production benefits.

Hot Melt adhesives used in packaging are essentially low temperature plastics that set quickly with the loss of temperature. Most packaging hot melts bond well to paper based substrates used in packaging such as corrugated.

hotmeltvarietySince their introduction over 50 years ago Hot Melt adhesives for packaging have improved dramatically as have the systems used to apply them. Hot Melts used in packaging are now available in many price ranges, sizes, open times, set times, softening points and viscosities.

Systems to apply hot melts in packaging are also available in a range of configurations including hot melt handguns, rollcoaters, benchtop extruders as well as totally automatic extrusion, swirl spray systems and fiberization systems. Most of these systems precisely control the temperature of the hot melt – allowing for their precise application.

Large and small packaging companies from Kraft, Nabisco, Anheuser-Busch and Coca-Cola, to your local custom packaging and fulfillment house, use hot melts as integral part of their package assembly process.

Consider hot melt adhesive to seal your next package.

Related Articles:

Why Does Hot Melt Fail to Bond Corrugated?

Hot Melt Use Reduction – Adhesive Savings in Packaging – Case and carton sealing with hot melt

Anatomy of an Automatic Hot melt System used in Packaging

Benchtop Handsfree Hot Melt Units used in Packaging

Packaging with Hot Melt Handguns 101


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