EconoMelt Glue Drop™ TWO Spot Gluing System1
EconoMelt Glue Drop™ TWO Spot Gluing System2
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EconoMelt Glue Drop™ TWO Spot Gluing System5
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EconoMelt Glue Drop™ TWO Spot Gluing System

Automatic hot melt spot gluing package with tank, 2 hoses, 2 automatic bead applicators, stand, and pattern controller.


Product Videos (Click to View)

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Product Details:

  ·  Applies precise dots,  lines  or beads of hot melt adhesives from two guns ·  Turn-key.  Includes complete hot melt system, pattern controls and adjustable bracketry. ·  EconoMelt Glue Drop™ TWO Spot Gluing System also available with 20lb capacity melt tank and 20 lb capacity
  • EconoMelt 20-2 Industrial Hot Melt Tank
  • Two 8’ EconoFlex hot melt hoses
  • Two EconoGun Automatic Hot Melt Guns
  • Two .016” single orifice nozzle tips
  • Two 24VDC 3way solenoids
  • One Glue Drop stand and bracketry system complete
Required Assembly, 120 and 240 V power and compressed air
  • Customer materials must move under sensor and nozzle at consistent speed in same location


EconoMelt Glue Drop™ TWO Spot Gluing System

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