Compatible With:
All standard hot melt machinery including extrusion, swirl, slot die, fiberization and roll coater systems.GIA1048 Permanent EVA
Versatile packaging hot melt exhibiting high hot tack and excellent adhesion to many difficult to adhere surfaces. Bonds exhibit excellent high and low temperature performance.
$Product Videos (Click to View)
Econogun Cycling Dots1Product Details:
- Open Time: Medium
- Speed of Set: Medium
- Softening Point: 158ºF +/- 2.0ºF
- Viscosity: 1000 + 150 cps @ 350ºF
- Type: Synthetic Resin
- Color: Amber
- Application Temperature: 350ºF +/- 25ºF
- Shelf Life: One Year
- FDA Status: Meets composition requirements of indirect food additives.
- Regulation 21 CFR 175.105 "Adhesives".
GIA1048 Permanent EVA
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