
POP Display Hot Melt Gluers

There are many methods to apply hot melt adhesive for Point of Purchase (POP) display assembly.

The most common hot melt application methods in POP display assembly are the hot melt stick gun and the bulk hot melt tank with flexible hose and heated handgun.  Hot melt stick guns are inexpensive and lightweight. Most hot melt stick guns have a very limited output rate which can slow production and affect product quality because of incomplete bonds on larger displays. Hot melt in stick form is typically considered very expensive starting at approximately twice the price of bulk hot melt. Finally, stick guns tend to fail quickly in industrial applications and are very difficult to rebuild.

The hot melt tanks, with flexible heated hose and guns, offer high melt rate and output rates and are needed primarily for the production of high quantities of large displays. They can melt a wide range of bulk hot melt quickly and allow for the fast application of this hot melt. These systems can be very expensive – typically starting at about $3000 for one tank, hose and gun. This system set up for smaller applications can limit the range and speed of motion and slow production. Support booms with tool balancers are very good components to employ with these systems.

Other systems successfully used for POP display gluing that offer distinct advantages over the stick guns and bulk tank systems are as follows:

Self contained bulk hot melt handguns with melt tank in the gun that process low cost chip hot melt and allow for similar simplicity and ergonomics of the stick gun. While being heavier than the stick guns – these guns can offer much faster instantaneous output than stick guns. The melt rate of these guns can be supplemented with gravity melt tanks
and melt tanks with manual piston pumps.

Roll Coaters with small reservoirs that process low cost chip hot melt can offer total simplicity in hot melt application. Operators simply manipulate a substrate over the wheel quickly for overall hot melt coverage and attach the component into a display.

Bench mounted systems with reservoirs that process low cost chip hot melt can also apply to substrates that are moved under the nozzle. These components are then attached to the display.

Finally, bulk systems with automatic applicators can cycle precise patterns on stationary or moving substrates with total accuracy and speed. Companies should consider these systems for very large jobs where quality product must be manufactured very quickly.


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